Life in Omaha
With a population of nearly 900,000 in the immediate and surrounding areas, Omaha is the largest city in the state of Nebraska. Centrally located in the middle of the country, travel to Omaha is easy with non-stop flights from 17 of the 25 major cities.
Omaha takes pride in hosting the College World Series each year and in being home to one of the largest Air Force bases in the country. We also pride ourselves in the people and attractions we have to offer. From music and film festivals to a world renowned zoo, Omaha has something for everyone.
See for yourself what a truly incredible and unique place this city really is. Click on the links provided to learn more.
One little known fact to many people outside Omaha is that we love to eat. Here you'll find more restaurants per capita than any other U.S. city, which means that there is something for any food lover.
Browse Omaha on the Go to see which restaurant you fancy.
Omaha is teeming with exciting nightlife hot spots for every occasion. Whatever your style may be, we are sure to have you covered.
Check out Omaha Nightlife to find something near you.
Omaha is teeming with activity and life. There is always something new happening around the city.
Check the city's event calendar to make sure you don't miss a thing!
© 1999-2011 Landmark Group | 2702 Douglas, Omaha, NE 68131 | Phone: 402.553.8111 | Fax: 402.553.8308
Property Management - Sales and Leasing for Residential and Commercial Real Estate